Natura Viva

Akademie der Künste, Berlin Performance 7x7 minutes, Dress made of cotton, embroidered with 77 lillies, surrounded by flowers filled with lines of poetry, trays, transparent hoses, contact microphones

This performance was inspired by the theme of still life, or 'Natura Morta.' I embarked on an expedition into a world of stories and poetry, delving into the transient nature of information, beauty, blooming, wilting, and aging. The poetry formed organically, drawing lines from the flowers, all of which addressed the ephemeral nature of beauty and challenged contemporary beauty standards.

The installations that I build for Museums often include a performance. I love to create sculptures, video and augmented reality, social software features for larger museum productions, festivals, fairs, government buildings and private companies. Please request a custommade proposal for your space at

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