
2023, KunstTREFFpunkt, Market Place, Darmstadt Performance 4 days 4 hours each day, dress made from damask Metal/silk, acrylic paint, cups, water, gold lacquer pen

This dress draws inspiration from the world’s longest, most affluent rivers, symbolizing the vital connection between humans and these waterways, akin to the veins that connect our vital organs. Our body is composed of 60-70 percent water, including 3-4 percent blood, while Earth’s surface has 70 percent water, with just 3 percent being freshwater, essential for our survival. Celebrating the human right to safe drinking water, recognized by the UN in 2010, I distribute water to those with cups or offers recycled vessels, highlighting the issue of 1 million plastic bottles per minute polluting the environment. I drink to free access to drinking water for all living beings.