Natura Mare

Physician’s Auditorium, Charleston, SC (Spoleto Festival), Performance, Clifford Smith Gallery, Boston, MA (Cyber Arts Festival) Video and limited Photo Edition: silk dress, cotton and bamboo boning, 4m x 4m.

Natura Mare or the unbearable lightness of the megabyte unfolds as a marathon dance that challenges my digital super ego through video projection. In this performance, I engage in a dance that oscillates between confronting and complementing two screens. These screens display a compressed digital day, racing from sunrise to moonrise in just 33 minutes. Although the video doesn’t reveal any signs of exhaustion, the live performance immerses n the visceral experience. Wind, sunshine, sand, and shells transform into a digital dream; my parachute silk dress into a back-breaking burden.

The installations that I build for Museums often include a performance. I love to create sculptures, video and augmented reality, social software features for larger museum productions, festivals, fairs, government buildings and private companies. Please request a custommade proposal for your space at

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