Fast Food Slow Motion

Video 77 seconds HD from a 49 minute time-lapse

In this performance, I ventured into a Fast Food Restaurant for the very first time at the age of 51. I deliberately ordered a veggie burger and savored it at a snail’s pace, taking a full 49 minutes to savor each bite. I collected the leftover wrapping paper, a stray lettuce leaf, and crumbs, stashing them in my bag for a future collage project. It’s eye-opening to consider that a single burger carries a carbon footprint of 2–3.5 kg of CO2 emissions, not accounting for packaging or the methane produced by the cow itself. This is equivalent to the time it would take me to enjoy a 3 kg meal consisting of fruits, grains, nuts, and vegetables. Fast food can have serious health repercussions, contributing to issues like depression, mental illness, premature aging, and body shape concerns. It also supports factory farming with its cruel conditions for animals and exploited labor. The use of growth hormones and antibiotics in animal farming poses health risks to humans, and the environmental impact includes transportation and water contamination. On the contrary, embracing Slow Motion/Slow Food and practicing mindfulness or meditation can bring numerous health benefits. Remarkably, if just one person commits to a single vegan day per week for a year, it can save the planet approximately: 124,917 liters of water, 84 square meters of forest, 543 kg of grain, 273 kg of CO2 emissions. Please remember this when you enjoy your burger.

The installations that I build for Museums often include a performance. I love to create sculptures, video and augmented reality, social software features for larger museum productions, festivals, fairs, government buildings and private companies. Please request a custommade proposal for your space at

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