About the Mother Mandala Dresses

Identity and COVID-19 Various Newspapers launched an open call and like this brought together people resulting in this interesting array of patterns and colors, but also wonderful memories shared by people from all walks of life. Just as the uprooting of people through globalization can lead to an identity crisis, dealing with the issues of a pandemic reflects a country's identity and culture. Fashion reflected the values of a society and was strongly linked to defining identity. With fast fashion we lose more and more contact with the value of our clothes - new clothes are tied to fewer and fewer memories. 85 percent of all clothing, often made by slave labor, ends up in the garbage, some without being worn. The fashion industry is one of the largest polluters, the synthetic fibres of clothing is one of the biggest contributors to micro plastic and its problems for our body and the environment. Mother Mandala loves to inspire each of us to live a more sustainable life. Spending less - living more!